- Ausgewählte Hubble-Bilder
- Ausgewählte Bilder der ESO
- Bildberabeitung: Spielerei mit der Hubble-Palette (Website von Stefan Grießinger)
- Create your own Color Hubble Images (STScI)
- Astronomical image processing for public outreach use (Folien eines ESO-Vortrags, pdf)
- Arcand et al., Processing Color in Astronomical Imagery, Studies in Media and Communications 1 #2, 25-34 (2013, Preprint)
- Christensen et al., What determines the Aesthetic Appeal of Astronomical Images? CAP Journal #14, 20-27 (2014, pdf)
- Rector et al., The Aesthetics of Astrophysics: How to make appealing color-composite images that convey the science, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 129 # 975, pp. 058007 (2017, Preprint)