- Reservierter AAVSO-Forum-Thread für den T-CrB-Alarm
- Mitteilung der AAVSO zum Helligkeits-Dip von T CrB 2023
- Aktuelle Helligkeiten von T CrB (AAVSO)
- Schaefer, B. E. (2023): The B & V light curves for recurrent nova T CrB from 1842–2022, the unique pre- and post-eruption high-states, the complex period changes, and the upcoming eruption in 2025.5 ± 1.3, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 3146
- Schaefer, B. E. (2023): The recurrent nova T CrB had prior eruptions observed near December 1787 and October 1217 AD, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 54, 436 (
- Zamanov, R. et al. (2023): Accretion in the recurrent nova T CrB: Linking the superactive state to the predicted outburst, A&A, 680, L18